Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Realistic Spending

Did you know that we all have a specific money personality? I recently took a money personality quiz. These are the types:

Spender   Saver    Investor   Giver    Avoidant

A spender of course, tends to spend as soon as they get money. A saver doesn't. An investor always wants to make more money, the giver wants to give away money freely, and the avoidant doesn't want to deal with money.

I assumed everyone could be grouped into two categories: spender (bad)  and saver (good) . I am a saver in case you were wondering.  However, the money personality quiz results point out that each type of money personality has both positives and negatives. Boo.

Regardless of your money personality, if you are homeowner, in your lifetime you will be spending significant amounts of money on your home. 

A reality of life and home ownership is that you will spend money. After you spend money on the actual house, the property taxes, insurance, the utilities, the appliances, and the maintenance, you have to spend money on the furnishings, the fittings, the lighting, the beds, the storage, the towels, the decor, the plates, the electronics, the television, the other television, another television...and on and on.....

Some days this reality is almost enough to tempt me to go off the grid!

                  Rustic Exterior by Other Metro Architects & Building Designers Tumbleweed Tiny House Company

While I am all about figuring out affordable and creative ways to my home and yours look and feel better, I am not a supporter of getting a bunch of cheap stuff or skimping on quality. I think careful planning and saving for improvements ultimately leads to better spending when it comes to all the permanent and non permanent fixtures in your home, large or small.

I think many of us don't consider working with a designer because we think it's too expensive. Often that's not the case. Many designers (like myself) are willing to work with you even if your budget for furnishings is small or nonexistent. If you are ready to spend on paint or tile or flooring, it's worth the fee to pay for a brief consultation to help you make sure you are choosing the right materials that will look good and hold up in the long run.

For larger projects, a designer can help you find savings on decor when things like plumbing and electrical are eating big parts of your budget. Often they have discounts on merchandise that they will pass along to you.

Designers have vision and expertise. They help you see things you can't see and advise you on things you aren't savvy with. You pay them for this expertise, and it saves you in the long run.  They shouldn't push you to spend money you don't have on things you don't need, but encourage you to spend in the right places, and save in others.

Quality people will respect you and your wishes and help you spend on what counts and make smart decisions that will make sense in the long run. 

Regardless of your money personality, you are going to spend money on your home. How will you spend?

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